"Leave no one left behind"
Global Health Nursing Laboratory,
St. Luke's International University

Prof.Erika Ota, Named to List of World's Top 2% of Scientists
Stanford University recently released a comprehensive list identifying the top 2% of scientists in the world, the Standardized Citation Index Scientists Database (updated version). This list is based on Scopus information on total citations (excluding self-citations), h-index, number of single-authored papers, number of individually cited papers, co-authorship adjustment index, ratio of total citations to individually cited papers, number of papers cited at least once from 1960 to 2021, self-citation rate, papers with different author rankings citations to papers with different author rankings, and a composite index, among other standardized information to create the rankings. The database includes approximately 190,000 people, or 2% of the approximately 8 million scientists worldwide who have published in international journals, and 7630 people from Japan are ranked. Erika Ota (Professor) was selected from St. Luke's International University.
Ioannidis, John P.A. (2022), “September 2022 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators"”, Mendeley Data, V5, doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.5
The second semester lab meetings have started.
5 Oct. 2022
The Global Health Nursing Laboratory holds lab meetings (seminar activities) every Wednesday. At lab meetings, students present their research plans and reports, and do paper critique. During the coronavirus pandemic, lab meetings were held online, but this semester, they are being held in a hybrid format.

June 2022

Ph.D. student Ms. Shoki and Master’s students Ms. Hamada and Ms. Ninohei visited Manila, Republic of the Philippines, together with Dr. Nagamatsu. Their purpose was to participate in the program "Understanding the Health Issues of Young Mothers in Poor Settings" A report of the visit is available here.
Lecture in "People-Centred Care Nursing Theory (PCCN Theory)

A lecture on "Nursing is Global" was presented to first-year nursing students and third-year transfer students by Professor Ota and Ph.D. student Nitamizu in the People-Centered Care Nursing (PCCN) course at St. Luke's International University.
Professor Ota introduced the activities of the World Health Organization (WHO), the process by which evidence from Cochrane Reviews, an international organization that conducts systematic reviews of medical articles, becomes WHO guidelines, and the importance of the People-Centered Care (PCC) perspective in producing recommendations. She also elaborated on the lives of nurses who practice PCC.
Ms. Nitamizu shared many photos of her healthcare activities in the Dominican Republic to show that the practice of PCC can be offered not only in Japan but also in other countries.
The students' impressions from the course showed they are interested in global health nursing and motivated to learn more about it.
Ms. Ma and Mr. Obaidur Received President's Award ( Academic Year 2021)
The President's Award for Outstanding Achievement in Academic Research, etc. (Graduate School of Nursing and Graduate School of Public Health) for the academic year 2021.

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About Global Health Nursing at St Luke's International University
About Global Health Nursing at St Luke's International University
Global health nursing is the study of global health issues and, as a nursing profession, conducting research and activities based on scientific evidence to maintain and improve the health of people around the world. Students learn about maternal and child health, infectious diseases, chronic diseases, universal health coverage, and environmental issues, with a focus on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Through overseas fieldwork and internships, students hone their research skills and leadership techniques to contribute to global health issues. The course trains leaders inn global health who will work in international organizations such as WHO, government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and academic institutions such as universities and research institutes.

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